
Slacked off

I'm not feeling good the whole day, I can't think well, I could only feel my hearbeat, pounding. I woke up early and played a bit, then I went down to eat some bread. I cooked some fish and eggplant and after lunch I started reading some. I felt tired and slept. I'm just not in my best mood. So, right now, I made my blog to kill some time. I named it Orenji Ojou. I think it's cute :)
After this hectic schedule I'll do some revisions and make it more pesonal. Ahh... I'd like to end this agony now.

Mood [lethargic]


I'm feeling too damn scared to think of anything right now. Just too scared of what migh happen, 9 more days and counting... It's like everyday, something sharp is stabbing my chest. I couldn't believe that almost 2 months had passed and we stayed in the 4th floor of that building. Everyday, we would sit and wait for the reviewer to come and start the class. And now that the comprehensive review is finished, we are welcoming the final coaching for it. Everdaym I would pray and ask God to give me this vocation. True, as it may sound too boring, common and already a cliche. I don't care about any single comment they have in mind. I am true to myself that this is the path I am going to take. It's very hard, but I know, I do have what it takes to be one.
I am emotionally and mentally tired, but I have to endure it for the time being and after the agony of waiting, I'll have to wholeheartedly accept the future that lies ahead. No matter what the result would be.

Mood [lethargic]

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