

A big waaah! I'd like to work more for this blog. I'd like to change the color and put some background. Grrr! Busy! Busy! Busy!

First Interview

Yes, today, I had my interview this morning! I was so nervous, it was my first time. But I guess, it went smooth and tomorrow I have to be back again, for another interview. I hope I'll make it.
Well, I did my very best today. I tried to be myself and answered everything to the best of my ability.

If it wasn't for my auntie, I wouldn't be going. I know she's thinking that I'm just slacking off, actually, I didn't tell her that I took the board last june. But I wouldn't fall for simple provocation like that. I'll keep it a secret, well, if I can't under any other external factors that'll blow up my secret, I decided to keep my mouth shut and play innocent, if ever! or should I just fabricate a little story? Anyway, I'm staying positive!


Is Blogger Down?

I can't edit/preview anything!!

Quote Testing

I am testing some blockquote

Testing Testing Testing

Time for Sugaring!

Dammit! Another session of sugaring... hmm, I can see it coming. Ouch! Ouch!


Blog Gone Flat!

Last week, I was able to make my own blogskin, too bad it won't fit for the new blogger template, so I switched back, I had to sacrifice since I want those cool looking widgets!

Template Designed by Douglas Bowman - Updated to New Blogger by: Blogger Team
Modified for 3-Column Layout by Hoctro